Even if you are unable to perform the above tasks, IMPS can still use your
assistance in the form of donations. We need stamps, leashes, collars, crates,
toys, blankets, and at times veterinary donations. Please contact Nancy at vinnysnag@gmail.com if you are able to make any sort of
Monetary donations can be mailed to:
IMPS, Inc.
P.O. Box 176
Pinellas Park, FL 33780
Please make checks payable to IMPS.
To be a Sponsor, please fill out our Sponsorship Form
If you wish to make payment via Paypal, Zelle® or CashApp, please click HERE for more info.
Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. (IMPS) is a not for profit corporation as
recognized by the State of Florida Department of State, and is registered with the
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (registration number: CH9935).
IMPS, Inc. does not retain professional solicitors; therefore, one hundred percent of
all contributions come directly to IMPS.
Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. (IMPS) is exempt under section 501(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). However, it is
suggested that you consult your tax professional for a determination as to whether any
contributions may be tax deductible.
Copies of the Form 990 Returns for the past three years can be seen here:
- 2022 Form 990
- 2023 Form 990
- 2024 Form 990
IMPS thanks you for your kind support.
Hundreds of thousands of dogs, both pure-bred
and mixed breed are put down every day in shelters across the United States. Breed
Rescue groups are formed by individuals who wish to assist in the re-homing of abandoned
dogs. Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. (IMPS) was formed by a group of
Miniature Pinscher lovers who recognized a need to place cast off min pins in appropriate
homes. Breed rescue groups spay or neuter animals prior to placement, place with a written
contract, temperamentally evaluate the dog prior to placement and work closely with
adoptive homes before and after the adoption. IMPS actively searches for min pins in need
of assistance and places them in approved homes where they can become the family members
they were meant to be.

The Miniature Pinscher is grouped with the
Toy Group by the American Kennel Club. Often referred to as "The King of
Toys", the Miniature Pinscher is an assertive, outgoing, active and independant
Correct Miniature Pinschers measure only 10" to 12.5" at the shoulder, but
pack quite a bit of energy into a small package!!! They can be incredible escape
artists, hard to housebreak and obedience train, but in the right home, with the proper training, they can
be the best companion dog you have ever owned. Loving, affectionate and playful, the
Miniature Pinscher makes its own rules, but will bend to yours if treated with affection
and care.
Miniature Pinschers can be good with children if the children are good with dogs!!!
While this is a Toy breed, they are not toys. Children should always be supervised
with dogs, and most especially with small dogs. While a Miniature Pinscher will
tolerate a certain amount of attention from a child, grabbing, pinching, sudden moves and
aggressiveness will be met with defensive reactions. If you have young, active children,
you may want to look at larger, calmer breeds, such as the Golden Retriever,
Labrador, Newfoundland, etc. If you are in a situation where you must have a
smaller dog, you may want to look into Standard Poodles, Bichon Frise, Beagles and
other small to medium breeds more suited to an active environment.
One of the questions which often comes up in Miniature Pinscher rescue is the relation
of Miniature Pinschers to Doberman Pinschers. Miniature Pinschers may have been used
in the creation of the Doberman Pinscher, but it is highly unlikely. Much more likely is
the probability that the two breeds are related through their common ancestor, the
German Pinscher. Miniature Pinschers bear no resemblance to Doberman Pinschers in
temperament, they are *not* miniature Dobermans, and really only have a resemblance in
coloring - head type, gait, and other conformational aspects are all completely different.
Many more questions regarding the Miniature Pinscher can be answered on the
General Information page of the Miniature Pinscher Club of America located at:

Purchasing a puppy should be a lifetime
decision. You are responsible for a life with this commitment. IMPS recognizes that
it can be hard to find the perfect breeder at times, and many people resort to newspaper
advertisements and pet stores.
Unfortunately, most puppies who come from pet stores are bred by large breeding
establishments known as puppy mills. These businesses do not generally socialize or
care for their dogs in the manner that a reputable, caring breeder would. Puppies from
puppy mills are brought up in cages, shipped off to pet stores at 4-6 weeks, and can come
with a host of genetic and temperamental problems.
While some reputable breeders may use newspaper advertising from time to time, most
newspaper ads are placed by high risk breeders. These are breeders that do not belong to a
National club, do not health test their dogs (min pins are prone to patella
problems), do not show their dogs, and do not offer written health guarantees on their
dogs. These breeders have generally bred their female to a male that they own or who
lives close by simply because they think their female is a nice girl. Unfortunately,
there is more that goes into breeding than just being a nice dog!!
If you are looking for a Miniature Pinscher puppy for show purposes, you are best off
inquiring with the Miniature Pinscher Club of
America. If you simply wish to add a Miniature Pinscher to your home, then rescue
might be for you!!! IMPS has dogs of all ages available from time to time - all
dogs are temperament checked, and are placed in homes that are appropriate to their age
and emotional needs.

If you would like to apply to become an adoptive home, please read our Adoption Contract, then fill out and send the IMPS
Min Pin Adoption Application. Qualified adoptive homes are selected based on proximity
to the dog to be adopted and length of time on the wait list.
Click HERE for a list of dogs currently available for adoption.
If you have, or know of a Miniature Pinscher in need of rescue, please e-mail Nancy at vinnysnag@gmail.com.